Comment 112691

By CharlesBall (registered) | Posted July 09, 2015 at 12:38:40 in reply to Comment 112673

Here's the thing. You are right about New York. The gross numbers have remained stable. But in the Netherlands, their per capita death and serous injuries rate (by population) is about 8 x higher than Canada. The reason for that is that they cycle way way more than we do.

Bottom line is that when our numbers approach the numbers in the Netherlands, our gross numbers will at least match theirs. That will quadruple our death and serious injury claims. Car insurance does not cover anything unless a car is involved.

In real numbers there are about 50 deaths from cycling per year in Canada. If cycling approaches the numbers in the Netherlands, based on their infrastructure, there will be 400 in Canada. That does not include serious injuries which if identical to the Netherlands would be (head and brain injuries there are about 2150 so in Canada it would be about 4300.

The costs could be recovered from the reduction in motor vehicle deaths and injuries as people move away from autos.

Comment edited by CharlesBall on 2015-07-09 12:40:19

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