Comment 112490

By hurt themselves (anonymous) | Posted June 28, 2015 at 01:19:30

We have had, for a long time, Martha House as our pet charity. We have donated many boxes of clothes linens toys and household items. When we could afford it we would leave a couple of bills in the pockets of jackets or jeans. They have made it more and more difficult to do so over the years. To the point that not long ago we had a bunch of stuff and we could not find a way to get it to them. They no longer accept donations at their location on Emerald. The place at Mary and Cannon is closed and at the place on Cannon it's tough to find a time that works. Seems they are closed more than they are open. Now we have a new pet charity. The street youth place on Barton. Not because we don't want to support the women's shelter but because they made it difficult or impossible.

Before you complain about funding and support look at how and why your support is dwindling.

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