Comment 112336

By CharlesBall (registered) | Posted June 18, 2015 at 09:35:33 in reply to Comment 112323

Welfare use in Ontario shot up from just about 6% before Bob Rae to just under 12% at its peak usage in 1994. I can get you the specific stats from Statscan if you want but it is archived. That usage dropped dramatically thereafter.

To break down what I was saying you can look at 1993 to 2003 stats showing that Ontario was the only province that showed such a significant increase in welfare usage during that time period.

It may just be coincidence, but this occured when Ontario alone significantly increased the benefits particularly to people with dependent children.

I will also get you that stats that showed a significant increase in children born to unwed mothers during this same period.

The fact that the Ontario Government had to take over Legal Aid in 1997 as a consequence of its inability to fund itself is well known.

I do not know how to get the data on court usage in family courts at that time, but again it is well known that the Family Court crisis started at the same time and has not averted since to the point where now self-represented people now make up the majority of cases in the Family Courts.

I am not saying that children don't need the money. I am saying be wary of the social consequences.

For example, why should a child whose parent is on welfare and can receive support have more money than a child whose parent cannot receive support? Would it not be better to set a minimum financial benefit for the child leaving it up to the province to collect from the delinquent payer? That is what we do now save and accept that the benefits available for children are too low.

Comment edited by CharlesBall on 2015-06-18 09:37:09

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