Comment 112224

By LOL_all_over_again (registered) | Posted June 12, 2015 at 20:17:11

It's difficult if not impossible to really appreciate the decisions and actions from decades let alone centuries ago. Society's morals and standards change almost daily. We can look back to the internment of the Canadian Japanese during WW2 with disbelief. But at the time there was little if any public opposition.

The history books are full of countries and peoples breaking treaties. The white man did it, the natives did it, the Japanese did it, everybody has done it. Sometimes it just comes down to who is going to break it first. To try and single out the wrongs that Canada has perpetuated against the natives without putting it into historical perspective is pretty much impossible. There is no doubt that Canada committed some wrongs. There is also no doubt that the natives have committed some too. In fact they continue to do so. Go talk to the people of Caledonia. It is now at the point where the natives are basically above the law. What goes around comes around.

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