Comment 112218

By Chris Angel (registered) | Posted June 12, 2015 at 15:55:29 in reply to Comment 112169

You need to see the area. 50K up a blind curving rise topped by a school zone is too fast. Try it and ask yourself if your child was crossing there would you sacrifice their safety to shave a few seconds off of someones drive. Your "high" speed comment says it all along with your questioning of the school hours vs speed. Not relevant as schools are community institutions often offering the only recreational and other facilities in the area outside of school hours. Clearly you are opposed to a 40K limit outside basic school hours and skeptical about the need for any reduction at all. What is most surprising is your moniker "Durander" which I take to mean you live in the Durand neighborhood. How is it you don't know the area in question if you are a Durander? Why not change it to something more appropriate to a sociopathic belief that "my time is more valuable than your life? "Solipsist" for example. It would also be helpful if pedestrians and cyclists could quickly become aware of your priorities and just how self important you are. I suggest a pair of steer horns mounted on the hood of your car along with a 140db air horn to blast those pesky tikes out the way.

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