Comment 112186

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted June 11, 2015 at 17:46:02 in reply to Comment 112185

That is a good point, which is why I would have preferred to see that actual raw data (i.e. all counts with time and registered speed).

In any case the error would be +/-2% with a mean error of zero which means there should not be any systematic over estimation of speeding (just as many speeders would have their speed incorrectly lowered). In any case, we don't know how accurate the mobile radar are, but I would expect to within 1 km/h or so (they correspond very closely to my speedometer).

Remember, also, that the whole point of visible speed indicators to slow traffic by embarrassing speeders (people are generally more law abiding if their infractions are seen publicly). It is likely that the true speeds are significantly higher. And if the maximum is 40km/h you really need to drive a few km/h under to avoid speeding (it is hard to control your speed super precisely).

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-06-11 17:48:40

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