Comment 112091

By Tybalt (registered) | Posted June 05, 2015 at 11:20:17 in reply to Comment 112031

Request the info! Here's how:

How do I make an Access Request?

If a formal request is required, applicants must:

complete an Access/Correction Request Application

submit the completed Access/Correction Request Application and the mandatory $5.00 application fee by mail or in person to:

Manager, Records and Freedom of Information City Clerk's Division City Hall 71 Main Street West, 1st Floor Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5

Payment can be made in the form of cash, cheque (made payable to the City of Hamilton), VISA, Mastercard, Debit Card, certified cheque or money order. Please do not send cash in the mail.

The $5.00 application fee must accompany your request.

If you are requesting access to, or a correction of your own personal information, please include with your completed application form, a photocopy of a piece of identification (e.g. driver’s license) bearing your signature. This will allow City Staff to verify your identity so that your personal information is not disclosed to someone other than yourself.

If you are acting as an agent on someone else's behalf, please include with the completed application, a signed Consent to Release Form from that individual authorizing you to act on his/her behalf, as well as a photocopy of a piece of his/her identification (e.g. driver's license) bearing his/her signature for verification purposes.

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