Comment 111647

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted May 14, 2015 at 14:00:06

Last week or so they added chevrons to the Cannon intersections, which are great... yesterday they added green rectangles. Anybody know the story with the green rectangles? Just another reminder to drivers "holycrap there are bikes here!" or something more?

I ask because the lack of left-turn green paint on York Boulevard is a pain in my side. In general, I love the Cannon Track, but it fails a bit when it's time to leave the cannon track and the lack of connections becomes obvious. My commute suffers from the lack of good left turns when heading westbound on York Boulevard (starting with the unnecessarily 1-way Hess) and the 1-block gap between Cannon and Barton in the Victoria-street lane (and its absent counterpart on Wellington).

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