Comment 111473

By Chris Angel (registered) | Posted May 08, 2015 at 17:11:27

The first time I ever heard Hamilton referred to as "The Hammer" was in a story told by musician Jack Dekeyzer in 1985 or 1986. I was backstage at a show in Toronto and Jack was describing how a few really enthusiastic fans lost it when Jack said he was originally from Hamilton. The response was something like F'kin Aaaay your from "The Hammer" too!!! My retelling does not do Jacks story the justice it deserves. As told by Jack it really exemplified the difference between Hamilton and Toronto audiences. Toronto audiences tended to be a little cold. A Hamilton audience was far more likely to let you know what they thought good or bad. At worst they might get a little nuts. I don't doubt the Sonny Del Rio story at all. Any fans of Jacks from Hamilton would have been familiar with King Biscuit Boy, Kelly Jay and of course Sonny and likely picked up "The Hammer" from the '84 tour.

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