Comment 111368

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted May 02, 2015 at 18:31:31 in reply to Comment 111362

The main roads sure are busy (and stinky!).

Noteworthy differences, primarily downtown: No one way streets; easy wayfinding. As many arterials as possible have bike lanes, with a commitment to adding them on all new road projects; those that cannot, at least have sharrows to remind motorists to share the road. Outside of main roads, cutting through residential areas is made impossible by design. No entitlement to green waves across town. Strict anti-idling bylaws. Excellent GO train service. Electric GO trains are going to be frequent and awesome, and 5 minutes away from my doorstep. Commitment to greenbelt preservation and smart intensification. I've been doing experiments - so far every traffic sensor I tested detects my bike when there are no cars to trigger it for me. If one wants to live in a bikable and walkable downtown, it is an order of magnitude better here. The downtown streets in Hamilton I evaluated - wanted cheaper rents - but said forget it - too many one way streets and crappy bike lane coverage. Now I live on the nicest street I ever lived on in my life so far, bike to work and all errands, in the greatest comfort ever. Leave ward 2 and some are suburban crapholes and I avoid them - but even they are trying to be consistent with on road bike lanes and everything else I said above.

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