Comment 111343

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted May 01, 2015 at 15:01:22 in reply to Comment 111339

I agree that efficient transportation is a must.

But efficient transportation for cities means rapid public transit (and walking and cycling locally), not dedicating what should be the most economically valuable real estate in the City to excess roads and low density uses like surface parking, drive throughs and car washes. One of the main points of the Guardian article is that auto-centric transportation infrastructure is very inefficient for cities.

And, as others have pointed out, Hamilton has built an efficient ring-road freeway system (403/Linc/RHVP/QEW) for those who just need to go around the city, not reach destinations within the city.

As Ian Reynolds points out, even taking a very conservative view, the number of lanes could be reduced on Main Street (and many other downtown arteries) with minimal effects on auto traffic and big benefits to the pedestrians, cyclists and attractiveness to residents and business.

Hamilton was taking a baby step towards efficient urban transportation with its LRT plans (a single 13km line for now), but even that seems to be too scary for some people.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-05-01 15:07:47

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