Comment 111330

By ggman (registered) | Posted May 01, 2015 at 12:33:47

Sorry, but that well timed photograph is hardly representative of the traffic that frequents this area. This location is next to where the 403 exits into Hamilton - a gateway into the city, if you will. I would think it advantageous to make the four corners of Hamilton accessible to visitors and residents alike. There is a movement in this city that thinks it wise to constrict traffic flow, as if somehow, when I find it difficult to get to destination from one end of town to the other, I'll just decide to stop instead, have a coffee at a local establishment and boost the economy. I'm all for pedestrianizing Hamilton, but I think we have to realize that, thanks to the escarpment, we're already at a disadvantage and there is no direct route to almost anywhere in this town. There is a limit to how far you can restrict traffic flow before it starts having a detrimental effect.

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