Comment 111298

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted April 30, 2015 at 11:51:01

What this whole process needs is to not have every warm body with an opinion weighing in but a small group to study, come up with a plan and implement it. Yes, there will be thousands of angry posts on web forums (from a combined total of 25 people) and thousands of gleeful posts (from a combined total of another 25 people) that the planning group should ignore. Implement it at least two years before an election. The 25 angry people will forget about it. Does anyone remember when York between Dundurn (ok, the high level bridge) and Plains was two lanes each way? Remember the horrified and angry predictions of gridlock etc? It's a non-issue now. People are getting on with their lives and the same will happen with LRT (no matter how it is implemented). It will become a part of the background noise of the city.

Comment edited by ergopepsi on 2015-04-30 11:52:13

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