Comment 111297

By StephenBarath (registered) | Posted April 30, 2015 at 11:48:47

Thank you for the update, and the work that DNA and their cycling committee is putting into this.

Charlton and Herkimer are both problematic as currently designed, and I think the committee’s design would work well to make both much safer. I had been told by the traffic engineering department last summer that there was a design, to be implemented Spring 2015, that would narrow Charlton to decrease crossing distances at Charlton/Dundurn, and traffic speeds. The Kirkendall neighbourhood has identified that stretch and that intersection as an issue for many years. There was sort of an implication that this was going to be a part of other changes to Charlton and Herkimer both. That might be incorrect, though, as their original plan had bike lanes on Charlton only east of Locke).

Anyway, staff don’t seem to move quickly and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been finding them a bit hard to pin down. But thank you again for this work: it’s important for everyone on and around these streets, whether they bicycle or not. It’s too bad that Dundurn’s bike lanes are configured as they are, with zero protection. The more lanes that are properly designed, the better.

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