Comment 111214

By Noted (anonymous) | Posted April 29, 2015 at 13:04:55

"...buses on the rapid transit route can be reassigned. However, the Rapid Ready report took the view that in addition to the B-Line LRT, the 1-King, 5-Delaware, and 51-University buses would actually continue to operate alongside the LRT."

The Rapid Ready analysis explicitly included the assumption that "18 buses are removed from service" (p. 129 of the PDF), 18 coincidentally being the number of buses servicing 1 & 10 routes hourly at peak.

Though it does not use it for the basis of its modelling, the report also costs the redeployment option: "It is worth noting that, if a decision is made to redeploy the 18 buses to other routes within the network, there would be an increase of $6 million in gross operating costs."

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