Comment 110989

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted April 22, 2015 at 20:35:37 in reply to Comment 110960

You're assuming that getting more voters out will change things. Not sure I understand why you'd think this.

For starters, incumbents are returned more than 90% of the time. And then there's the reality that no matter who you vote in, no matter how confident you are in their abilities...beyond the fact that they're only one Councillor amongst cannot passively control how they vote or how they behave.

In the words of your resident pundit:

"I'm inclined to think elections are overrated. If you vote for a candidate once every four years but don't get involved in the meantime, it doesn't really matter much who you vote for. Once politicians get inside the Bubble, it's impossible to keep any kind of perspective without ongoing, substantive interaction with 'regular voters' for grounding.

As for what makes a good politician, I think it comes down more to temperament and broad intellectual framework than to a specific set of political beliefs.

A smart, patient, well-educated, open-minded, intellectually humble councillor will generally follow a sensible process of getting informed and land on a sensible policy that does a good job of leveraging the facts of an issue and bridging the hopes, fears and contradictions of the electorate and the various interest parties.

Here are some of the pitfalls that render councillors incompetent:

  • Ambition - voting to maximize upward political mobility
  • Megalomania - voting from an over-inflated sense of self
  • Anger - voting to punish enemies
  • Fear - voting to avoid risks
  • Partisanship - voting along party lines
  • Dogmatism - voting along ideological lines
  • Laziness - phoning in votes instead of engaging the issues
  • Stubbornness - refusing to cooperate with others or compromise

Left isolated from the outside world, just about anyone will fall prey to one or more of these pitfalls, which is why it's so important for citizens to: a) elect councillors who will allow themselves to be engaged, and b) keep up their end of that engagement between elections."

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