Comment 11097

By Chris Bradshaw (anonymous) | Posted September 02, 2007 at 20:50:00

You have hit the nail on the head. The "one-person, one-car lifestyle" is a regime, really, since we are not offered anything between one-car and zero-car: feast or famine.

I am a carsharer and former owner of the Ottawa carshare club, Vrtucar, and have created a compromise.

OPOCO vs. MASC (one person, one car orientation vs. metered access to a shared car) is the battle, which the latter could win with some realization by communities and governments that OPOCO costs so much in roads, parking lots, "distance pollution," negative health outcomes, inequitable access to transportation resources, GHG, air-et-al pollution, etc that it is not really that far fetched to see people accept the idea of sharing a fleet instead of owning a single vehicle, that has to be driven around everywhere in order to have any access to a car.


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