Comment 110940

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 20, 2015 at 09:26:22 in reply to Comment 110939

That is definitely true: the visible local pollution in the central east end can be very bad in certain, due to industrial emissions. However, I was addressing the information presented in the report. Overall, Hamilton's pollution levels are very similar to the rest of the GTAH because much of the pollution is non-local (e.g. ozone, NOX, some particulates) and much of the remainder is due to transport.

One worrying issue is that the province removed pollution monitoring stations on the beach strip and the East end that would be better able to capture local industrial pollution.

More detailed information about Hamilton is available in the Clean Air Hamilton report:

One of the recommendations of Clean Air Hamilton is that more stations be installed, and that more mobile stations be used. Brian McCarry found that some of the most polluted areas (not necessarily visible pollution) is within 200m of major freeways (403/QEW/LINC/REDHILL/MAIN/KING).

The 2013 Clean Air Hamilton report points out that "Emissions from vehicles (cars and trucks) produce more air pollutants than all other sources."

That is the main reason Hamilton is not all that different from other GTAH communities: the overall pollution level is set by cars and trucks.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-04-20 09:26:56

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