Comment 110917

By Hamilton is just like Hamilton (anonymous) | Posted April 12, 2015 at 22:48:28 in reply to Comment 110692

europe is full of old, very old, buildings. Some of the apartments from years ago are incredibly small. At least by our standards. When you think that the size of the average new house in North America has doubled in the last 50 years and the size of what was being built then was already much bigger than what existed there. One of the reasons their density is so much higher than ours. One of the reasons the old homes in the heart of Hamilton are not desirable any more is because they are to small for people who have good jobs and good money. They buy 3 or 4,000 square foot homes in Ancaster or Dundas or Stoney Creek or even on the mountain. One of reasons there are so many poor in core and north end of the city. It's what they can afford.

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