Comment 110802

By RobF (registered) | Posted April 01, 2015 at 10:30:51 in reply to Comment 110801

I like the Park Blocks idea.

I vaguely recall seeing panels in Central Library a few years ago that detail green ribbons or linear parks somewhere in the core, but i don't remember the specific plan or project.

And yes, the planned green corridor on Caroline in the Barton-Tiffany Urban Design Concept is excellent.

The James North GO Mobility Hub Study also includes a greenway corridor on Strachan from Bayfront thru to the Keith and beyond eastward ... the open space corridor is already in place thru the North End, what is needed is political will and resources to implement it. And for people to ensure that other projects don't happen in its path that would later complicate or thwart it. It is supposed to link with plans for Ferguson, which you've mentioned before.

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