Comment 110651

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted March 27, 2015 at 13:44:06 in reply to Comment 110625

So you're telling me, in a country the size of Canada - that there is not enough room for both well built urban form, and spacious suburban form? That one style is mandatory to the exclusion of all else? What are you saying? In both Europe and here there is urban, suburban, and rural living. We just happen to have a ton more forest and farm in between our towns and cities. Does indeed make it cheaper to own more land here. You can have your house. Nobody is taking that away from you. Could people that want the city centers to be well-built pleasant areas have something too?

Here's where I repeat a comment I just made elsewhere:

Funny whenever I see a comment "well why don't you just move to Netherlands". Yeah, as though it was that simple, or desirable as a proud Canadian who loves their home and native land.

That's narcissist thinking right there. It's not enough to have the whole road. You need the whole country too.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2015-03-27 13:55:41

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