Comment 110597

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted March 26, 2015 at 13:35:40 in reply to Comment 110593

Europe has a much higher population density than Canada

Just gonna leave this here. A national average people per km2 is not useful for analysis of population centers.

Your perspective is more useful when discussing high speed rail or bicycle highways criss-crossing the country.

Evolution inside of core urban areas is much more similar than you'll ever admit, even in the face of more localized and appropriate data, with Europe and N.America sharing similar successes and problems, at those urban boundaries.

Due to how industrialization evolved, by the 20th century European and many American cities had developed very similar densities, with even the extreme examples being very similar - Paris being a behemoth in Europe, and New York being a behemoth in America. Here's some lists for a quick glance.

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