Comment 110457

By CarolineLC (registered) | Posted March 24, 2015 at 10:33:22 in reply to Comment 110424

How would a bike lane on Queensdale be awesome for SoBi bikes? Where are you going to ride to - scoot across to Upper Ottawa and then go to the Huntington Park rec centre? Nope ... SoBi will fine you $100 to go there and lock the bike so you could go inside. Maybe turn off at Upper Gage and go to Goodness Me for some groceries? Nope - that will cost you another $100. Hill Park rec centre? Macassa Park? Mohawk College? Nope, nope, and nope. $100 penalty each time.

The problem isn't lack of bike lanes, its that lots and lots of folks -whose tax dollars are part of that Metrolinx grant too - are being denied use of the service to places they might like to go via punitive charges. Queensdale is already totally ridable - wide, quiet, and not a lot of gunk in on the sides of the road. But SoBi isn't giving any of us who might use that road to actually GO somewhere a chance to use it.

PS: Instead of the city spending money on ghettoizing us into "lanes", the best thing they could do for cyclists is to raise some taxes and fix the darn roads. I'd rather deal with cars than potholes :(

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