Comment 110453

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted March 24, 2015 at 09:31:51

A few weeks ago both of my children slipped on ice on one of these sidewalk ramps on the south side of Herkimer between Locke and Dundurn while walking to school. We were all walking slowly and carefully, but it was just very difficult to stay upright on this long sloping surface covered with ice.

This is a mildly annoying design for able bodied pedestrians during good weather, but it is downright dangerous for the less able bodied and for everyone in winter.

I find it hard to believe there is any good justification for this design, other than "cars first" (even on the sidewalk). And even then, what is the inconvenience for motorists? We have one of the old designs at our driveway and it is no problem. The only way I can imagine it being a problem is if you try to turn in and out at high speed and get a large bump. Which, of course, you shouldn't be doing! (Or maybe if you drive a lowrider!)

And the old design has absolutely no effect on street parking (unless maybe you want to block someone's driveway!).

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-03-24 09:33:25

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