Comment 110430

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted March 23, 2015 at 12:45:32 in reply to Comment 110428

It wasn't until I had to walk around on crutches myself, while snow and ice was still everywhere, that I realized how sick of a design it was. There's the sidewalk, the explicit path for pedestrians, and if you slip on one of those, the camber directs your slide out into the roadway, to be roadkilled like an animal.

I healed, gave it no further thought, moved, et cetera, but it made perfect sense when I saw joggers and elderly with mobility issues frequently using the bike lanes along Brant Street. So I merge out into the vehicle lane, and if the motorist is grouchy there is honking.

That is why I laugh and cringe when I hear stuff like "and the people who pay the majority of the freight in the city getting left out again". Brutal. It's so askew.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2015-03-23 12:58:04

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