Comment 110076

By drpgq (anonymous) | Posted March 09, 2015 at 13:59:03 in reply to Comment 110063

I think we need to nip this idea of connecting the East West LRT in the bud. It is ridiculous. How many people are going to take all day GO from this station? A GO train hitting all the stops to Union is incredibly slow; the bus will remain a considerably faster option not to mention the bus station is much more centrally located and in the middle of some density. Sure people could use it to get to intermediate stops, but there's little around Burlington/Oakville/Mississauga GO stations necessitating use of poor local transit systems to get anywhere useful. Anyone I've ever known that used GO to get to their job in Oakville or Mississauga didn't do it for very long. They either quit or got a car.

Now a Beeline express bus on Barton that stopped at the new GO station, I could get behind. But having the LRT to divert to the new GO station is stupid, even if bureaucrats in Toronto think it is a great idea. They won't be taking it though.

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