Comment 109999

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted March 06, 2015 at 08:15:25 in reply to Comment 109995

"At some point in the future we may turn the corner and have a majority of progressive councillors, but that "future is not now" as someone recently said."

Over 90% of incumbents are returned. So this hope for a different group of progressive councillors is, not to put too fine a point on it, a pipe-dream.

How many primary variables are there when it comes to governance? You know, how decisions get made.


City Staff.

Developers. (Anyone who isn't able to comprehend how things actually work in Hamilton in this regard could do with some exercises in eye-opening. AEGD, anyone...?)


Only three of these are actually at the governance table. (Don't let the notion of 'elected officials represent their constituents' guide you; how's that been workin' out for you so far?)

Council will change the way it does business when it's 'forced' to by its employers.

This is long game situation. You can't change the course of a ship as large as 71 Main Street West overnight. Or even over the course of a year. But if the right initiatives were put into place, you may well be able to alter how business is done there within the foreseeable future.

Comment edited by ItJustIs on 2015-03-06 08:17:06

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