Comment 109135

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted February 13, 2015 at 20:48:07 in reply to Comment 109134

We're talking about literal uniting. Not some spiritual love-in. As in physically connecting them together. Part of that connection is transit.

But area-rating gives the peripheral wards incentive to say no, we don't want transit and stay disconnected. Look at it this way, if you pay-per-play, you avoid using the service unless you're really really really sure. But if you're paying into the whole bucket regardless, you want to maximize the usage you get out of the service.

That's why transit should either be "you're in or you're out". This pay-to-play encourages peripheral wards to say "no, I don't want more transit" which keeps them disconnected from the rest of the city... the opposite of unity. Having them buy in and join the whole means they're encouraged to think "I'm already paying for it, how can I get the best service for my residents?" and properly hook into the city's transit grid.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2015-02-13 20:49:08

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