Comment 109

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted None at

The idea of an east-west tram from (at least) downtown to McMaster is an excellent idea. I've taken the bus from between McMaster and downtown a couple of times in the last week (when I didn't cycle) and two things were clear. First, many more people are using the bus to get from downtown to MAC. Second, HSR is overwhelmed: I had to wait for two or three buses until one finally arrived with free space. The City and University are encouraging people to use public transit, and they have been successful. Now they have to actually provide an appropriate level of service. There is plenty of room on Main St for a streetcar line, and there is certainly enough passenger traffic. A streetcar line is certainly realistic: at least 22 French cities have, or are planning to re-introduce streetcars (after having torn up the tracks in the 60s or 70s) An East-West streetcar line from downtown (or even Stoney Creek) to MAC is eminently realistic; much more so than building more roads and urban sprawl! Nicholas Kevlahan

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