Comment 108769

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted February 05, 2015 at 16:34:20

Others aren't so fortunate. Which is why elder abuse is so prevalent in a pressure-cooker of a world.


I'm irritated that my parents and grandparents voted for a lot of really stupid policy changes that provided them with benefits at the expense of me

Both of these comments made fantastic points, are related, and in my opinion are worth emphasis.

The purpose of sharing the following is because it nails both points right on the head.

My father is not living and did not successfully leave my mom an estate. I have plans to pay my mom a salary out of an investment account. Why would I choose to share such a personal detail on this website right now? Because it is directly related to a choice to go car-less. Since 2008, instead of making car and insurance payments, that portion of my wage has been going toward improved diet, travel, and outdoor activity for myself, and definitely not second, to buying stocks and investments for future income for my family.

The dimwits among us would accuse me of freeloading and damaging our economy. Those dimwits should ask the small businesses I'm spending money with, whether my choices are damaging the local economy. My OHIP burden on the taxpayer is virtually non-existent because I'm among the healthiest citizens in the city. And, my mom will draw less social security in old age as a result of an income source from her kids.

It is a pressure-cooker world. I acknowledge a thousand percent that not everyone is as fortunate to ditch the car. What I am saying is, when you go to the voting booth, and vote for Rob Ford's "war on everyone except cars", or vote against a bike lane, or vote in favor of privatizing something that has put Canada in the top livability index, or vote in favor of sprawl while prohibiting urbanization, while knee-jerk calling people wanting GO Trains electrified "libtards" ... remember ... when you are sitting in an evil nursing home, or eating pork and beans out of a roach apartment ... remember that everything is connected, and you could have been a factor in the chain of events that made the current way of life unsustainable and implode on itself.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2015-02-05 16:46:38

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