Comment 108644

By kingkos (registered) | Posted January 31, 2015 at 15:01:35 in reply to Comment 108642

I like where your heads at Eric. Ultimately, humans ARE selfish beings more concerned with our own self interest than the helping others. This will eventually lead to out own self destruction, as it's already leading to our destruction of the planet. Terry Whitehead is an idiot, but unfortunately he probably does represent the direct interests of his ward. What he fails to understand is that having a vibrant downtown IS in the best interest if his ward but his short sightedness is his handicap. The problem here is that RTH tends to use things like "facts" and "studies" as opposed to emotions and hyperbole. This is a microcosm of the real problem that Hamilton has, which is lack of community and solidarity. This is a fractured city and the suburbs vs urban nonsense needs to end.....I'm just not hopeful that it will.

Comment edited by kingkos on 2015-01-31 15:02:10

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