Comment 108643

By D. Shields (registered) | Posted January 31, 2015 at 15:00:20

"The Colour Purple" has always been one of my favourite films that depicts the lives of many women around the World. It's not just a story about Southern Black women, or poor women, or even a period piece, since it moves into fairly modern times. It is a visually beautiful film, & it shows the triumph of the human spirit in what seems to be a 'no win' situation for many, many reasons. The women in this film are unfailingly strong, no matter how diverse they are in their life experiences & viewpoints.

"Hester Street" is an older film,(1975) with the wonderful Carol Kane. It is a story about the New York Jewish Ghetto in the late 1800's, & the experiences of a bride brought by her husband, (whom she has not seen in quite some time) from "The Old Country" to a new & confusing world of big city New York.

Comment edited by D. Shields on 2015-01-31 15:02:25

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