Comment 108635

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted January 31, 2015 at 12:16:21 in reply to Comment 108632

What? Someone from ward 7 or 8 visiting Toronto or Vancouver won't say they're from "Hamilton"? People outside Hamilton would have no idea what Hamilton Mountain even is.

I understand that within the city, or environs, people describe themselves as coming from a particular area. I tend to say I live in Durand, others will talk about living on the East Mountain, and I know that many people living in Dundas or Ancaster still prefer those identifiers. But the further you get from Hamilton, the more ridiculous it is to keep insisting you're not really from Hamilton if you live in the City of Hamilton, especially if it was never an identifiable place at least somewhat known outside the immediate area (like Dundas).

It really is being a bit pedantic to claim that using the description "Hamilton" excludes everyone outside the lower city, even if some people prefer to identify with their own neighbourhood.

What would you call a website dedicated to City of Hamilton issues? "Raise the Ancaster/Dundas/Westdale/Stoney Creek/Hamilton Mountain/downtown/Glanbrook/Flamborough and assorted neighbourhoods who would rather not be associated with the name Hamilton".

Whether you like it or not there is an entity called "the City of Hamilton" and this website is concerned with issues affecting all parts of the city (other examples include the aerotropolis, or the A-line LRT).

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-01-31 12:36:30

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