Comment 108623

By LeeEdwardMcIlmoyle (registered) - website | Posted January 31, 2015 at 10:35:47

Thank you, Ryan. These are the sorts of numbers and maps I think the entire city needs to see and mull over. Any chance of the Spec picking up the ball here? Certainly the CBC would be nice, too. I don't say this lightly; RTH does a fantastic job of clearing the air and presenting the most pertinent facts. Sadly, the perception of RTH isn't universally lauded, which is an injustice to the hard work you folks do.

That aside, I think we all need to spread the word to our own networks on this one. If we can't break through our collective silos and show our more mainstream friends and readers what they haven't been told by their councillors, then we're going to lose the big fights to come.

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