Comment 108597

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted January 30, 2015 at 16:33:00 in reply to Comment 108594

To a first approximation, costs are proportional to population and inversely proportional to area.

But if you want to start talking about specific projects, it's worth remembering that festivals and events throughout the city get subsidies, the City has built nice new recreational facilities all through the suburbs (e.g. skating rinks and bocce courts). And The HDSB has moved its headquarters to the mountain. Not to mention street renovations and improvements in Stoney Creek and Ancaster.

But the elephant in the room is what has been spent on roads (I assume you would count the hundreds of millions spent building and maintaining the Linc and RHVP as money spent on the suburbs), and we have recently spent $75 million on the interchange at Clappison's corners (between the city and the province), and approved $18 million for a new street on the East Mountain and $20 million for widening a road in Waterdown.

And we're still pushing ahead with a massive expense, at least $120 million, to service the aerotropolis lands, much of which will likely become new uneconomic sprawl residential.

Where is your data showing we spend "tens of millions" on Gore Park every five years ... I've never heard that.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-01-30 16:34:14

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