Comment 108596

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted January 30, 2015 at 16:25:28 in reply to Comment 108594

events downtown? drop in the bucket. the number one budget item is roads. so road km per resident is probably the most important metric if you really care about tax expenditures. i'll let the public works manager's words speak for themselves:

"This is a significant issue for the overall roads program. We should be spending $180 million. We’re significantly below that. We’re not even providing 40%. We have a problem. We have a crisis. There’s not enough money to do all the roads then local roads suffer. To be as blunt as I can, when we have problems with bridges we close them. Roads may have to go back to gravel which is totally unacceptable but that’s where we’re heading until we get additional resources. I know it’s a challenge, but if I don’t address the collectors and arterials, we have a significant problem in the overall program. So it’s as candid as I can be. The roads are failing and they’re getting worse. Thanks."

Comment edited by seancb on 2015-01-30 16:25:45

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