Comment 108580

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted January 30, 2015 at 11:45:21

I'm predicting that this could very well be the discussion that pushes the LRT stuff aside, both here on RTD as well as other locales such as The Spec. Especially given that LRT-wise, everything's in the Province's court, that nothing can really be done until the cheque's been matter what the Mayor wants to accomplish vis a vis a 'Citizens' Panel, which to me is a pretty safe bet for failure, and worse, yet another initiative to add to the historical 'Fail' column.

For me, the real question is 'Can Hamiltonians have an actual conversation that goes beyond typed exchanges or the maddening contributions of most of Council?' And if we can't, then I'm obliged to ask 'What are Hamiltonians capable of authentically discussing?' (Again, assuming that it's possible for so many invested parties to think outside the blog, the Twitterverse, creative lambasting by way of posters, and Facebook groups.)

Comment edited by ItJustIs on 2015-01-30 11:47:50

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