Comment 108289

By proudofthemountain (registered) | Posted January 23, 2015 at 12:50:46 in reply to Comment 108285

Ryan... my reply was more to the commenters here then to the original author. Well, herein lies the problem. Whether it right or wrong, this is what I think. There is the perception out there that 'everyone owns downtown'. People from Ward 7 (my ward) will go downtown to work or go to events (remember when we could add 'shopping' to that list?). People from downtown rarely come to Ward 7 or any other mountain or suburb wards. Therefore, people from mountain/burb wards have more interest in what happens downtown. You may snub your nose at our lifestyle, but you rarely come up here, so it doesn't really matter to you what goes on up here. Whereas, we do go downtown for things, and therefore we do care about what goes on down there. Again, you may disagree with them, but I think this is what the mountain/burb councillors are thinking. I appreciate Councillor Merulla's take on things, though. Very refreshing.

Comment edited by proudofthemountain on 2015-01-23 12:51:31

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