Comment 108217

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted January 22, 2015 at 16:49:41 in reply to Comment 108209

"There has to be an answer. One I think is unfortunately calling the McNab station a mistake and returning to what we used to have around Gore Park."

So that transfers using those routes will have to cross King East rather than King West to make a transit connection?

Here's a thought: Save the wasted cost of mothballing a three-year old multi-million-dollar transit terminal and install transit signal priority at King & James.

Gather all buses travelling along King through the core and mandate their drivers to travel exclusively in the bus-only lane you have described, which simplifies traffic flow, gets buses out of mixed traffic to the delight of drivers, and demonstrates councillors' capacity for constructive problem-solving as well as optimizing the value and productivity of public assets.

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