Comment 108171

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted January 22, 2015 at 12:13:21 in reply to Comment 108169

Downtown dundas LRT stop. That's what the Dundas councilor should be fighting for, not fighting against transit.

The city's 2010 IBI report recommended that McMaster University should be a new hub for all buses west of McMaster. Right now, the western "hub" is University Plaza, which means the LRT would have to run through a residential neighborhood on Osler if you wanted to connect it into downtown Dundas, and that's probably not okay with the residents living along Osler.

The Dundas Councillor should be butting heads with staff for a Cootes Drive alignment that would deliver commuters directly to downtown Dundas at York/King. That would mean fighting with Ainsliewood/McMaster residents to see who gets the western LRT stops.

That's the fight we should be hearing from the Dundas councilor, not fighting against transit plans.

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