Comment 107805

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted January 14, 2015 at 12:36:42

Here is Scott Duvall's transit vision (from a recent open email thread regarding the transit lane):

Council fully supported and has been acceptable to an LRT project as long as the provincial government wholly funded the capital project as they stated originally.

As time went along, Hamilton Staff did their due diligence homework and submitted the plan to the provincial government.

As Hamilton was in phase 2 of the provincial moving forward plan and praised by the government how great Hamilton plans was ahead of others, the city has not been given no provincial funding commitment to what the amount will be.

Since the provincial government has dragged their feet in making a funding announcement to Hamilton since 2007 and waving on what full capital costs mean, residents have been not so acceptable now as they were before.

To date we still do not hear any announcement from Minister De Luca who stated he would let us know in a couple of months after meeting in July 2014.

So since my original support, I still commit to support LRT on conditions the province announces they will pay full capital cost which means all construction and rail cars and the city meet other service needs.

I heard at the door we need substantial HSR service improvements on the mountain along with bus landing pads and shelters before we start going for other ideas.

I believe in the transportation vision downtown for our future children and others, however I still believe we must at least meet the basic transportation needs for all other areas of the city before we go forward with LRT downtown.



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