Comment 107681

By Trillian (anonymous) | Posted January 08, 2015 at 11:55:24

" increase...ODSP and...O/W payments by $24 per month [to] enable... [the] purchase [of] healthier foods..."

$24 is not enough. Fresh produce needs, particularly for females (for vitamin K1 content especially) cost more than this per month. You would have to increase it by about $50/mth.

Social Assistance grossly underestimates everything (based on assessments that use the lowest prices - not averaged - and claws back whenever it can (even if it shouldn't). Sure, maybe there is one apartment available in Toronto to rent for $450/mth, but 1) is it a healthy environment (no bugs, no mold, no water problems, appropriate heating, no local angst)? and 2) are there enough of them out there at this price for all the Social Assistance recipients? The answer to both is No.

To "scrap": You don't provide proof of the falsity of the author's claims, where the author's claims are well-documented, even in governmental papers, especially those commissioned by the opposition party and done by respected professionals. If you can't add anything to a discussion, then you are merely trolling.

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