Comment 107370

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted December 23, 2014 at 13:12:27 in reply to Comment 107366

Well, since you actually mention the new Transportation Plan in your letter, Terry could have guessed that you are aware of it!

It's great that they are updating their transportation plan, but the Rapid Ready Plan was adopted almost two years ago and it doesn't require a new overall Transportation Plan to start implementing the recommendations to improve and extend HSR services.

Just getting the service level back to late 1980s levels would be a huge improvement, although this would still leave us behind given the huge growth in population of the City in the last 30 years. Voting to increase funding levels from the City to HSR would be an excellent first step. If Council really does support the Rapid Ready Report (and the need to improve HSR before getting LRT, as some have mentioned) then why hasn't this been done already?

As others have pointed out, money does not seem to be short for building or widening roads (over $4.3 million for James Mountain Access, $18 million on the mountain, $23 million in Waterdown, $75 million from the City and Province for the Clappison's corners interchange). And, just like the HSR, these new road builds incur new maintenance costs each and every year from now on.

And, most obviously, the Rapid Ready Plan has LRT is the centrepiece and council should be doing everything possible to achieve this goal.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2014-12-23 13:53:22

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