Comment 107354

By Lewis R. Trent (anonymous) | Posted December 22, 2014 at 23:14:24

I blame the city and HSR for spending the last 7 years putting all their eggs into the LRT basket when they could have been forming the BLAST spine using our current fleet is buses plus new Quick Wins buses.

Build up the ridership outside of the B-Line, increase the presence of a Rapid, Reliable Transit System before begging for a billion dollars.

This site site is also to blame for putting all it's eggs into the LRT-education campaign rather than educating Hamiltonians on a reliable rapid transit system using what we currently have.

BLAST can be implemented today. Yet we whine and moan that we can't get our billion dollar toy ("...but torontoooooo has one!!!")

Now we look like idiots with a 3 million dollar report for just one route.

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