Comment 107120

By jason (registered) | Posted December 16, 2014 at 11:25:12

Good article and thoughts.

The simplest fix regarding the route alignment is to stick with what was originally proposed by the Metrolinx study and convert Main and Wilson to two-way traffic.
This would allow King to function with it's planned 2 WB lanes during rush hour, and 1 WB lane with curb-side parking the rest of the day. Wilson should be 1-lane each way with curb parking on both sides from Sherman to Bay. Main should be 2 lanes each way with curb parking on one-side. At major lights where a left turn lane is necessary, the parking lane ends and is replaced with a turn lane. Using 9.5 foot wide travel lanes and a 7-foot parking bay would leave 5-6 feet of extra space which could be added to each sidewalk to help create sidewalk-height bike lanes in both directions.

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