Comment 107019

By erskinec (registered) - website | Posted December 12, 2014 at 22:05:21

Great post. Despite the challenges, the Irish survived and built a great community in Hamilton. In my opinion, their role in the growth and development of Hamilton is still not fully recognized or appreciated. For example, the lost of John Bradley's house, the Bellevue, was a real lost to Hamilton and to its Irish history. Here was one of the original members of the pre-famine community, who achieved significant success in terms of business and politics. In retirement, Bradley builts a beautiful mansion overlooking the community that give him so much - Corktown. Despite his importance to the history of Hamilton and architectural legacy of Bellevue, the City would not save his former home destruction. With regards to the steps that you recommend for the marking the history of Irish cholera victims, I believe they are both reasonable and modest. You have my support.

Comment edited by erskinec on 2014-12-12 22:06:03

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