Comment 106911

By Kevo (registered) | Posted December 11, 2014 at 10:34:30

Another place that's worth mention is the City of Toronto's Ireland Park on the lakeshore, hidden behind/beside the abandoned Canada Malton Co. silos at the Bathurst Quay. It's the location (roughly) where the coffin ships arrived with Irish immigrants during the famine. There's statues there depicting the arrival of the Irish, while in Dublin along the River Liffey there's the same Irish statues departing the country. There are also giant stones with the names of those who are known to have died in the fever shacks in Toronto engraved onto it. (foundation website:

I'm sure even a single statue on the Burlington Heights or cemetery grounds along the lines of what the Toronto/Dublin memorial has would probably be appropriate and send a message. I've seen both groups of statues and it's fairly haunting to see the emaciated figures.

After reading this article I'm a little happy that my Irish family came later on in the 1800s (~1870s). Thanks for the article, it's always crazy to see how far we've come in certain areas.

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