Comment 106847

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted December 10, 2014 at 08:47:15

Great segment on the Scott Thompson yesterday at 1pm from another King Street business owner. The followup phone-in comments were additionally fascinating...if only to point out a) how the public can be so misinformed about a topic, and b) how badly ill-equipped it can be when applying context.

Both of these result from a dearth of general dialogue and debate on such things as the bus lane; they generally don't take place aside from articles and comments here and in The Spec. Which means that the public, in the main, are not involved in the discussion. (Great example is how the HSR riders' voices tend to be absent. Or at best, whispers.)

I'd be willing to bet that the average Hamiltonian can't answer the question 'What is the intent of the Bus Lane experiment?' Instead, the question that's been asked (especially on yesterday's broadcast) is 'Do you want a bus lane?'. To me, this is like asking a child 'Do you want a curfew?' or 'Do you want your Internet time to be limited?'

More public, visible discourse please. (And to sound like a broken record, this will not be accomplished as a result of a Council impetus.)

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