Comment 106588

By higgicd (registered) | Posted December 04, 2014 at 18:45:42 in reply to Comment 106586

I had a paragraph in my original draft that noted that I had invoked the dreaded 'G' word, knowing the negative connotations associated with gentrification would get called out down here in the comments. The social exclusion that can happen through the gentrification of an area will always be an issue, in some cities and areas more than others. We could debate the merits all day long of neighbourhood change or stasis, and investment versus decay, and of gentrification in Hamilton versus Vancouver or something. Regardless, I would still argue the original point of neighbourhood appearance and its effect on a number of factors, from crime to economic vibrancy, still stands. And at least have the decency to not comment anonymously when implying racist overtones.

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