Comment 106236

By Missy2013 (registered) - website | Posted November 15, 2014 at 13:00:13

I applaud 100% Ryan McGreal's efforts to ENGAGE the politicians and the public, regardless of IMMEDIATE impact or seeming voter 'irrelevance'. It's all about transparency, and elevating the dialogue. CATCH is another good 'group' in Hamilton that keeps politicians 'feet to the fire'. -

In Burlington, Pepper Parr does a good job of providing information and context for many Burlington City Hall items, via his privately owned 'Burlington Gazette'. With one fifth the population of Hamilton, he's doing a good job of it.

To be sure, there are other groups that are working in Wards to raise awareness and impact on Councillors. Find those 'voices' and add yours.

Change will come if we change it.

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